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Zigong celebrated its 100th anniversary of the discovery of dinosaur

November 18,2015

It has been 100 years since the first fossil—a broken dinosaur tooth fossil was found in Rongxian County by G. D. Louderback in 1915. Numerous domestic and foreign geologists and paleontologists contributed to the excavation, research and protection of Zigong fossils. About 200 paleontological fossil sites were discovered, and hundreds of vertebrate paleontology individuals, thousands of skeleton fossils were collected until 2015. Dinosaurs found in Zigong account for 1/7 of the total species of China. Zigong becomes one of the most important dinosaur fossil places in China, and one of the most important paleontology fossil places in the world. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Zigong dinosaurs, serial activities have been hosted in Zigong Global Geopark.

International symposium on the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Zigong dinosaurs

International symposium on the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Zigong dinosaurs was hosted on 15th -17th November in Zigong Global Geopark. The symposium attracted more than 120 representatives all round the world, including a number of renowned paleontologists like Professor Dong Zhiming, China’s eminent dinosaur scholar; Dr. Zhou Zhonghe, Academician of CAS; XuXin, vertebrate paleontologist of China, Professor Martin G. Lockley, American paleontologist; Professor Eric Buffetaut, France paleontologist; Professor Suravech Suteethorn, Thailand paleontologist, etc. Those paleontologists shared new progresses of fossil excavation and research in the world, and discussed the fossil conservation and utilization with representatives.

Group photo of International symposium on the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Zigong dinosaurs

Dr. Zhou Zhonghe, the Academician of CAS said, the reputation of Zigong dinosaur in paleontology is just like Beethoven, Mozart in Music, and the symposium is a rare event in paleontological circles in recent years, almost all the dinosaur experts gather in Zigongand it is a salute to the 100th anniversary of Zigong dinosaur.

Report by Dr. Zhou Zhonghe

Ceremony for establish the research center of Jurassic stratigraphy and paleontology

Based on the contributions of generations of geologists and paleontologists, Zigong has made great progress on the research of Jurassic stratigraphy and paleontology. To conserve and exhibitfossils, Zigong established the Zigong Dinosaur Museum in 1987, which is the first on site burial dinosaur museum in China. Since then, more than 10 monographs and 100 papers have been published; researchers of Zigong participated in numbers of fossil excavations all round China and contributed to the Jurassic dinosaur study. For the further development, the research center of Jurassic stratigraphy and paleontology was approved, and the ceremony of which was held in 17th November at the Geopark Square. Professor Dong Zhiming and Dr. Zhou Zhonghe inaugurated the ceremony and hoped the research center could improve further research and promote international cooperation, especially carry out more study on the education, conservation and utilization.

The ceremony of the research center of Jurassic stratigraphy and paleontology


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